torchsar.autofocus package¶
torchsar.autofocus.focusing module¶
- torchsar.autofocus.focusing.defocus(x, pa=None, pr=None, isfft=True, ftshift=True)¶
Defocus image with given phase error
Defocus image in azimuth by
\[Y(k, n_r)=\sum_{n_a=0}^{N_a-1} X(n_a, n_r) \exp \left(j \varphi_{n_a}\right) \exp \left(-j \frac{2 \pi}{N_a} k n_a\right) \]where, \(\varphi_{n_a}\) is the estimated azimuth phase error of the \(n_a\)-th azimuth line, \(y(k, n_r)\) is the focused pixel.
The defocus method in range is the same as azimuth.
- Parameters
x (Tensor) – Focused image data \({\mathbf X} \in{\mathbb C}^{N\times N_c\times N_a\times N_r}\) or \({\mathbf X} \in{\mathbb R}^{N\times N_a\times N_r\times 2}\) or \({\mathbf X} \in{\mathbb R}^{N\times N_c\times N_a\times N_r\times 2}\).
pa (Tensor, optional) – Defocus parameters in azimuth, phase error in rad unit. (the default is None, not focus)
pr (Tensor, optional) – Defocus parameters in range, phase error in rad unit. (the default is None, not focus)
isfft (bool, optional) – Is need do fft (the default is True)
ftshift (bool, optional) – Is shift zero frequency to center when do fft/ifft/fftfreq (the default is True)
- Returns
A tensor of defocused images.
- Return type
- Raises
TypeError –
is complex and should be in complex or real represent formation!
- torchsar.autofocus.focusing.focus(x, pa=None, pr=None, isfft=True, ftshift=True)¶
Focus image with given phase error
Focus image in azimuth by
\[Y(k, n_r)=\sum_{n_a=0}^{N_a-1} X(n_a, n_r) \exp \left(-j \varphi_{n_a}\right) \exp \left(-j \frac{2 \pi}{N_a} k n_a\right) \]where, \(\varphi_{n_a}\) is the estimated azimuth phase error of the \(n_a\)-th azimuth line, \(y(k, n_r)\) is the focused pixel.
The focus method in range is the same as azimuth.
- Parameters
x (Tensor) – Defocused image data \({\mathbf X} \in{\mathbb C}^{N\times N_c\times N_a\times N_r}\) or \({\mathbf X} \in{\mathbb R}^{N\times N_a\times N_r\times 2}\) or \({\mathbf X} \in{\mathbb R}^{N\times N_c\times N_a\times N_r\times 2}\).
pa (Tensor, optional) – Focus parameters in azimuth, phase error in rad unit. (the default is None, not focus)
pr (Tensor, optional) – Focus parameters in range, phase error in rad unit. (the default is None, not focus)
isfft (bool, optional) – Is need do fft (the default is True)
ftshift (bool, optional) – Is shift zero frequency to center when do fft/ifft/fftfreq (the default is True)
- Returns
A tensor of focused images.
- Return type
- Raises
TypeError –
is complex and should be in complex or real represent formation!
torchsar.autofocus.fourier_domain_optim module¶
- torchsar.autofocus.fourier_domain_optim.af_ffo(g, w=None, p=2, niter=10, eta=0.5, tol=0.01, ftshift=False)¶
- torchsar.autofocus.fourier_domain_optim.af_ffo_sm(x, p=2, niter=10, delta=None, toli=0.01, tolo=0.01, ftshift=True, islog=False)¶
Stage-by-Stage minimum entropy
[1] Morrison Jr, Robert Lee; Autofocus, Entropy-based (2002): Entropy-based autofocus for synthetic aperture radar.
- Parameters
x (Tensor) – Corrupt complex SAR image. N-Na-Nr(complex) or N-Na-Nr-2(real)
niter (int, optional) – The number of iteration (the default is 10)
delta ({float or None}, optional) – The change step (the default is None (i.e. PI))
toli (int, optional) – Tolerance error for inner loop (the default is 1e-2)
tolo (int, optional) – Tolerance error for outer loop (the default is 1e-2)
ftshift (bool, optional) – Shift the zero frequency to center? (the default is True)
islog (bool, optional) – Print log information? (the default is False)
torchsar.autofocus.maximum_contrast module¶
- torchsar.autofocus.maximum_contrast.mcaf_sm(x, phi=None, niter=10, tol=0.0001, eta=0.1, method='N-MCA', selscat=False, axis=- 2, ftshift=True, islog=False)¶
Contrast based autofocus
Maximum-Contrast based Autofocus (MCA)
- Parameters
x (Tensor) – complex image with shape \(N×N_a×N_r\) or \(N×N_a×N_r×2\)
phi (float, optional) – initial value of \(\phi\) (the default is None, which means zeros)
niter (int, optional) – number of iterations (the default is 10)
method (str, optional) – method used to update the phase error -
–> Fix Point -'CD-MCA'
–> Coordinate Descent -'SU-MCA'
–> Simultaneous Update -'N-MCA'
–> Newton, see [2], [1] has problem when used to small image -'SN-MCA'
–> Simplified Newton -'MN-MCA'
–> Modified Newtonselscat (bool, optional) – Select brighter scatters.
axis (int, optional) – Compensation axis.
ftshift (bool, optional) – Does shift zero frequency to center?
islog (bool, optional) – Does print log info.
- see [1] Zhang S , Liu Y , Li X . Fast Entropy Minimization Based Autofocusing Technique for ISAR Imaging[J]. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2015, 63(13):3425-3434.
[2] Zeng T , Wang R , Li F . SAR Image Autofocus Utilizing Minimum-Entropy Criterion[J]. IEEE Geoence & Remote Sensing Letters, 2013, 10(6):1552-1556.
torchsar.autofocus.minimum_entropy module¶
- torchsar.autofocus.minimum_entropy.meaf_sm(x, phi=None, niter=10, tol=0.0001, eta=0.1, method='N-MEA', selscat=False, isunwrap=True, deg=None, axis=- 2, ftshift=True, islog=False)¶
Entropy based autofocus
Minimum-Entropy based Autofocus (MEA)
- Parameters
x (Tensor) – complex image with shape \(N×N_a×N_r\) or \(N×N_a×N_r×2\)
phi (Tensor, optional) – initial value of \(\phi\) (the default is None, which means zeros)
niter (int, optional) – number of iterations (the default is 10)
tol (float, optional) – Error tolerance.
eta (float, optional) – Learning rate.
method (str, optional) – method used to update the phase error -
–> Fix Point -'CD-MEA'
–> Coordinate Descent -'SU-MEA'
–> Simultaneous Update -'N-MEA'
–> Newton, see [2], [1] has problem when used to small image -'SN-MEA'
–> Simplified Newton -'MN-MEA'
–> Modified Newtonselscat (bool, optional) – Select brighter scatters (default: False).
isunwrap (bool, optional) – Unwrap radian phase (default: True).
deg (int or None, optional) – The degree of polynominal, if None, no fitting.
axis (int, optional) – Compensation axis.
ftshift (bool, optional) – Does shift zero frequency to center?
islog (bool, optional) – Does print log info.
[1] Zhang S (see) – 3425-3434. [2] Zeng T , Wang R , Li F . SAR Image Autofocus Utilizing Minimum-Entropy Criterion[J]. IEEE Geoence & Remote Sensing Letters, 2013, 10(6):1552-1556.
Y (Liu) – 3425-3434. [2] Zeng T , Wang R , Li F . SAR Image Autofocus Utilizing Minimum-Entropy Criterion[J]. IEEE Geoence & Remote Sensing Letters, 2013, 10(6):1552-1556.
X . Fast Entropy Minimization Based Autofocusing Technique for ISAR Imaging[J] IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (Li) – 3425-3434. [2] Zeng T , Wang R , Li F . SAR Image Autofocus Utilizing Minimum-Entropy Criterion[J]. IEEE Geoence & Remote Sensing Letters, 2013, 10(6):1552-1556.
2015 (13) – 3425-3434. [2] Zeng T , Wang R , Li F . SAR Image Autofocus Utilizing Minimum-Entropy Criterion[J]. IEEE Geoence & Remote Sensing Letters, 2013, 10(6):1552-1556.
63 (13) – 3425-3434. [2] Zeng T , Wang R , Li F . SAR Image Autofocus Utilizing Minimum-Entropy Criterion[J]. IEEE Geoence & Remote Sensing Letters, 2013, 10(6):1552-1556.
- Returns
- Return type
- torchsar.autofocus.minimum_entropy.meaf_ssa_sm(x, niter=10, delta=None, toli=0.01, tolo=0.01, ftshift=True, islog=False)¶
Stage-by-Stage minimum entropy
[1] Morrison Jr, Robert Lee; Autofocus, Entropy-based (2002): Entropy-based autofocus for synthetic aperture radar.
- Parameters
x (Tensor) – Corrupt complex SAR image. N-Na-Nr(complex) or N-Na-Nr-2(real)
niter (int, optional) – The number of iteration (the default is 10)
delta ({float or None}, optional) – The change step (the default is None (i.e. PI))
toli (int, optional) – Tolerance error for inner loop (the default is 1e-2)
tolo (int, optional) – Tolerance error for outer loop (the default is 1e-2)
ftshift (bool, optional) – Shift the zero frequency to center? (the default is True)
islog (bool, optional) – Print log information? (the default is False)
torchsar.autofocus.phase_error_model module¶
- class torchsar.autofocus.phase_error_model.PolyPhaseErrorGenerator(carange=None, crrange=None, seed=None)¶
- torchsar.autofocus.phase_error_model.convert_ppec(cs, degs=None, mode='fftfreq->2fftfreq')¶
convert polynominal phase error
Convert polynominal phase error.
- Parameters
- Returns
Converted phase error tensor.
- Return type
- Raises
ValueError – Not support mode.
- torchsar.autofocus.phase_error_model.dctpe(c, x, deg=None)¶
compute phase error with DCT model
compute phase error with DCT model
\[\phi_{e}(h)=\sum_{p=0}^{P} a(p) \cdot d c t(p) \cdot \cos \left[\frac{\pi\left(2 h_{a}+1\right) p}{2 N}\right] \]where, \(a(p)=\left{\begin{array}{ll}1 / \sqrt{N} p=0 \ \sqrt{2 / N} p \neq 0\end{array},\right.\) and \(\left{\begin{array}{l}p=0,1,2, \cdots \cdots \cdots, P \ h_{a}=[0,1,2, \cdots \cdots, N-1]\end{array}\right.\)
- Parameters
c (Tensor, optional) – The DCT coefficients matrix \({\bf P} = [{\bf p}_1, {\bf p}_2, \cdots, {\bf p}_N ]^T ∈{\mathbb R}^{N × (M + 1)}\), where, \({\bf p}_n = [p_0, \cdots, p_M]^T\)).
x (Tensor, optional) – Axis, such as \((0, Na)\).
deg (tuple or None, optional) – The degree of the coefficients, \([p_{\rm min}, p_{\rm_max}]\), default is
, which means[0, size(c, 1)]
- Returns
The phase error tensor.
- Return type
- Raises
TypeError –
should not be None!
- torchsar.autofocus.phase_error_model.polype(c, x, deg=None)¶
compute phase error with polynominal model
compute phase error with polynominal model
- Parameters
c (Tensor, optional) – The polynominal coefficients matrix \({\bf P} = [{\bf p}_1, {\bf p}_2, \cdots, {\bf p}_N ]^T ∈{\mathbb R}^{N × (M -1)}\), where, \({\bf p}_n = [p_2, \cdots, p_M]^T\)).
x (Tensor or None, optional) – Axis, such as a vector in range of (-1, 1). If
is None, returnc
directly.deg (tuple or None, optional) – The degree of the coefficients, \([p_{\rm min}, p_{\rm_max}]\), default is
, which means[2, size(c, 1) + 1]
- Returns
The phase error tensor.
- Return type
- Raises
TypeError –
should not be None!
- torchsar.autofocus.phase_error_model.ppeaxis(n, norm=True, shift=True, mode='fftfreq', dtype=torch.float32, device='cpu')¶
Return the sample axis
Return the sample frequencies axis.
- Parameters
n (int) – Number of samples.
norm (bool) – Normalize the frequencies.
shift (bool) – Does shift the zero frequency to center.
mode (str or None) – Frequency sampling mode.
normalize the frequencies in (-1/2, 1/2).'2fftfreq'
normalize the frequencies in (-1, 1). IfNone
, returnNone
.dtype (Tensor) – Data type, default is
.device (str) – device string, default is
- Returns
Frequency array with size \(n×1\).
- Return type
torch array
- torchsar.autofocus.phase_error_model.rmlpe(phi, mode='poly', deg=4, ftshift=True)¶
remove linear phase error
Remove linear phase error based on linear fitting, the linear phase error will cause image shift.
- Parameters
phi (Tensor) – A \(N×N_x\) phase error tensor with linear trend, where, \(N\) is the batchsize, \(N_x\) is the samples numbers in direction x.
mode (str) – model mode, default is polynominal
deg (int) – Polynomial degrees (default 4) to fit the error, once fitted, the term of deg=[0,1] will be removed. If
is None or lower than 2, then we do not fit the error with polynominal and not remove the linear trend.ftshift (bool) – Shift zero frequency to center when do fft/ifft/fftfreq? (the default is False)
- Returns
Phase without linear trend.
- Return type
phi (tensor)
torchsar.autofocus.phase_gradient module¶
- torchsar.autofocus.phase_gradient.pgaf_sm(SI, nsar, nsub=None, windb=None, est='ML', deg=4, niter=None, tol=1e-06, isplot=False, islog=False)¶
Phase gradient autofocus for stripmap SAR.
Phase gradient autofocus for stripmap SAR.
- Parameters
SI (Tensor) – Complex SAR image \(N_a×N_r\).
nsar (int) – Number of synthetic aperture pixels.
nsub (int, optional) – Number of sub-aperture pixels. (the default is \({\rm min}{N_{sar}, N_a}\))
windb (None or float, optional) – cutoff for window (the default is None, which use the mean as the cutoff.)
est (str, optional) – estimator,
for Maximum Likelihood estimation,'LUMV'
for Linear Unbiased Minimum Variance estimation (the default is ‘ML’)deg (int) – Polynomial degrees (default 4) to fit the error, once fitted, the term of deg=[0,1] will be removed. If
is None or lower than 2, then we do not fit the error with polynominal and not remove the linear trend.niter (int, optional) – Maximum iters (the default is None, which means using
for stopping)tol (float, optional) – Phase error tolerance. (the default is 1.e-6)
isplot (bool, optional) – Plot estimated phase error or corrected image. (the default is False)
islog (bool, optional) – Print log information? (the default is False)
- Returns
Corrected SAR image \({\bm X}\in {\mathbb C}^{N_a×N_r}\). phi (Tensor): Estimated phase error \({\phi}\in {\mathbb R}^{N_a×1}\).
- Return type
SI (Tensor)
- Raises
TypeError – The input is complex and should be in complex or real represent formation!
ValueError – For stripmap SAR, processing sub aperture should be smaller than synthetic aperture!
- torchsar.autofocus.phase_gradient.pgaf_sm_1iter(x, windb=None, est='ML', deg=4, axis=- 2, isrmlpe=False, iscrct=False, isplot=False)¶
perform phase gradient autofocus 1 iter
Perform phase gradient autofocus 1 iter as described in [1].
revised for stripmap SAR
[1] C.V. Jakowatz, D.E. Wahl, P.H. Eichel, D.C. Ghiglia, P.A. Thompson,
{em Spotlight-mode Synthetic Aperture Radar: A Signal Processing Approach.} Springer, 1996.
[2] D.E. Wahl, P.H. Eichel, D.C. Ghiglia, C.V. Jakowatz, “Phase
gradient autofocus-a robust tool for high resolution SAR phase correction,” IEEE Trans. Aero. & Elec. Sys., vol. 30, no. 3, 1994.
- Parameters
x (Tensor) – Complex SAR image \({\bm X}\in {\mathbb C}^{N×N_a×N_r}\), where \(N\) is the batchsize.
windb (None or float, optional) – Cutoff for window (the default is None, which use the mean as the cutoff.)
est (str, optional) – Estimator,
for Maximum Likelihood estimation,'LUMV'
for Linear Unbiased Minimum Variance estimation (the default is ‘ML’)deg (int) – The degree of polynominal
axis (int, optional) – Autofocus axis.
isrmlpe (bool, optional) – Is remove linear phase error? (the default is False)
iscrct (bool, optional) – Is corrected image? (the default is False)
isplot (bool, optional) – Is plot estimated phase error? (the default is False)
- Returns
Corrected SAR image \({\bm Y}\in {\mathbb C}^{N×N_a×N_r}\), only if
, xc is returned. phi (Tensor): Estimated phase error \(\phi\in {\mathbb R}^{N×N_a}\).- Return type
xc (Tensor)
- Raises
TypeError –
is complex and should be in complex or real represent formation!ValueError – Not supported estimator! Supported are
- torchsar.autofocus.phase_gradient.phase_correction(x, phi, nsub=None, axis=- 2, ftshift=True)¶
- torchsar.autofocus.phase_gradient.spotlight_width(H, BWa, Lsar)¶