torchsar.evaluation package


torchsar.evaluation.target_background module

torchsar.evaluation.target_background.extract_targets(x, region=None, thresh=None, cdim=None, isshow=False)

Extracts the pixels of targetss

  • x (tensor or numpy array) – The input image, if it’s complex-valued, it’s amplitude is used.

  • region (list or None, optional) – The region ([top-left, bottom-right]) that contains targets for computing TBR. If None, region equals to ([0, 0], [H, W]), where \(H,W\) are the height and width of the image.

  • thresh (float or None, optional) – The threshold targets.

  • cdim (int or None, optional) – Specifies the complex axis of x. None –> complex or real

  • isshow (bool, optional) – Show pixels of the extracted targets?

torchsar.evaluation.target_background.tbr(x, targets, region=None, cdim=None, isshow=False)

Target-to-Background Ratio (TBR)

\[\begin{align} {\rm TBR} = 20{\rm log}_{10}\left(\frac{{\rm max}_{i\in{\mathbb T}}(|{\bf X}_i|)}{{(1/N_{\mathbb B})}\Sigma_{j\in \mathbb B}|{\bf X}_j|)}\right) \label{equ:TBR} \end{align} \]
  • x (tensor) – The input image, if it’s complex-valued, it’s amplitude is used.

  • targets (list or tuple) – The targets pixels. ([row1, row2, …], [col1, col2, …])

  • region (list, tuple or None, optional) – The region ([top-left, bottom-right]) that contains targets for computing TBR. If None, region equals to ([0, 0], [H, W]), where \(H,W\) are the height and width of the image.

  • cdim (int or None, optional) – Specifies the complex axis of x. None –> complex or real

  • isshow (bool, optional) – Show target mask? (default: False)

torchsar.evaluation.target_background.tbr2(X, tgrs, subrs=None, isshow=False)

Target-to-Background Ratio (TBR)

\[\begin{align} {\rm TBR} = 20{\rm log}_{10}\left(\frac{{\rm max}_{i\in{\mathbb T}}(|{\bf X}_i|)}{{(1/N_{\mathbb B})}\Sigma_{j\in \mathbb B}|{\bf X}_j|)}\right) \label{equ:TBR} \end{align} \]
  • X (tensor) – The input image, if it’s complex-valued, it’s amplitude is used.

  • tgrs (list, optional) – target regions:[[TG1], [TG2], …, [TGn]], [TGk] = [lefttop, rightbottom]]

  • subrs (list, optional) – sub regions:[[SUB1], [SUB2], …, [SUBn]], [SUBk] = [lefttop, rightbottom]]

  • isshow (bool, optional) – show target mask given by tgrs (default: False)


TBR – Target-to-Background Ratio (TBR)

Return type



TypeError – tgrs mast be given

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